Excerpt from the JSA Schengen guide

1. Nature of right of access.
Answer: The right of access to information is direct.

2. Contact details of the body to which requests for access should be addressed
Answer: Applications shall be addressed to the Sirene-office in Iceland, which is run by the Commissioner of the Icelandic National Police (CINP).

The CINP's address is:

Skulagata 21
150 Reykjavik

Tel: (354 570-2500
Fax: (354: 570-2501

Special application forms can be filled out at local police stations or at the CINP's premises. Decisions on the release of information are taken by the Sirene-office.

3. Formalities for the request: information and documents to be supplied-possible costs
Answer: The applicant must issue some proof of identification and the application form must be filled out in the presence of a member of the police personnel. The applicant can only request access to information regarding himself, however, a legal guardian can request access to information on his protegé.- Exercise of the right of inspection is free of charge, but each individual will only be granted access annually, unless special circumstances for more frequent access apply. The Sirene-office will consult the PPDPA (Privacy and Data Protection Authority) in such cases.

4. Contact details of the national data protection agency and its possible role
Answer: In cases, where an applicant has received a standard reply: "No information is registered/it is not permitted to disclose registered information" (see point 5, the Sirene-office must however instruct the applicant that this decision can be appealed to the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry can seek the PDPA's opinion on the Sirene-office's decision.

The Ministry of Justice:
150 Reykjavík
tel: 5609010.

The PPDPA's adress is:
Rauðarárstígur 10
105 Reykjavík
tel: 5109600.

5. Expected outcome for requests for access. Content of the information supplied.
Answer: The Sirene-office shall answer all applications without undue delay and no later than a month upon reception. If an applicant is registered, he will be informed on the purpose of and reasons for the registration. In cases, where it is necessary to keep the information secret in order to achieve the intended aim of the entry into the information system, or in view of the interests of other persons and when discreet surveillance is in progress, the data subject shall not have the right to be informed of the recorded data. The applicant will be given the same standard reply as an applicant who is not registered; i.e: "No information is registered/it is not permitted to disclose registered information."

6. References of the main national laws that apply
Answer: The main national laws applying are: Act no. 16/2001, on the Schengen information system in Iceland and regulation no. 112/2001, on the Schengen information system in Iceland.

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